Oktober 31, 2009

Say hello to the morning shine

what!! I don't know what to do except studying for mid term test, hanging out with friends, shopping, and doing my chores. NO where to go in here LOL i'm stuck. but they all nice here.
what i've been doin in Jatinangor is worth, like new social friends and new environment, I'm doing better in here and all people really respect to me. not in Jakarta, they're so individualism and like to show off each other. euwww..

Not only that, I found my new crush here (i'm not sure either) lol
on the other way i'm SO NOT up to date about gossip,movies,and any other stuff! arghhh but it's not a big deal. I still read fashion magazine tho, but where i have supposed to buy that fancy clothes??? 0_o
doesnt matter.. am wochenende gehe ich nach bandung.
ahhh thats all for now, I have no idea what i wanna write today.

but the point is... I got crush on someone close to me waaaaaaa ZLMAOROFLCOPTER

Oktober 25, 2009

The skulls are cool


meet the college girls

whooops finally I made the new posting. I made the new one because I forgot the blog password for the last time LOL.
This blog will show you the new me as a college lady. Absolutely talking about fashion, international life style, music, movies, gossip, and any other things.
Hey I'll write about me either of course!
it's all what's the inside of pink, gold, and black.